On Friday August 26th, Language Systems International (LSI) organized its annual Volleyball Tournament in one of the most popular and beautiful beaches in California, Huntington Beach. Five campuses- Alhambra, Downtown, Torrance, OC and Beverly Hills- got together to fight for the championship. The tournament was very intense, and the competition between the schools was strong Besides the volleyball tournament there were many other games like Tug-of-War, water balloon game, fill the bucket, stick game and disgusting food contest.
By 9.30 am a huge territory of the beach was covered by different colors, representing each school. Each school had T-shirts of a different color. OC students wore red, LA students wore yellow, Torrance students wore gray, Alhambra students wore green, and Beverly Hills students wore pink.

The school that got the strongest students is Downtown LSI. They won Tug-of -War!
One student from Torrance and one student from MLI won the in the stick competition.
The disgusting food contest was intense! And Alhambra happened to have the best eaters and won this competition.
As you can see, all the school have got something special they are good at and each school won at least one game! The beach party was just amazing! Everybody’s got a nice tan and healthy glow. You can find a lot of pictures taken by the students and LSI photographer on Facebook and watch video on youtube.com.
For more information about activities at all LSI locations, please visit http://www.languagesystems.com/