Wednesday, October 31, 2012
LSI 2012 Halloween Party
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
LSI 2012 Beach Party
Monday, July 2, 2012
LSI's 25th Anniversary Party

After LSI Idol, we were treated to a special guest performance from an OC dancer. She was awesome- Lots of energy and totally cute! One of the biggest surprises of the night were the Samba Dancers from Brazil! Their costumes were colorful and bright and their dance moves were spell binding!
Throughout the night, some lucky students won iPod Nanos and one REALLY lucky student took home an iPod Touch. Once all the performances were over, it was party time! The DJ played awesome music and many people stayed and danced the night away.
We all had such a great time celebrating LSI's 25th anniversary!
Friday, May 18, 2012
5th Annual Soccer Tournament at LSI
The opening round of the tournament pitted LA against last year’s champions,
As throngs of fans from LSI and
Adjustments were made to the LA defense and midfield to compensate for their lack of attack, and though this provided LA with increased shots on net,
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
LSI 2nd Annual Basketball Tournament

Before each game, the teams exchanged gifts that were chosen from each school's location. So, OC gave little basketball hoops to celebrate the tournament and Torrance gave little bottles and shells since that school is close to the beach. LA gave small little "Oscar" trophies (like the ones given in the Academy Awards) and Alhambra gave out bags of yummy taffy! All the teams played really well and each game was fun and exciting!
Finally it came down to the last two teams, Torrance and LA, playing for the championship. Even though it was close, Torrance won and the fans went crazy when the Torrance team held up the trophy. The Torrance fans kept yelling "who let the sharks out!" The shark is the Torrance mascot. All the students and team members were good sports and congratulated each other on a great game.
Afterwards, LSI had a pizza party and the students stayed for a while meeting people fromother schools and talking about the games. Everyone had a great time and we'll be sure to have another tournament next year!
You can also check our video at
For more information about school events, check out our website at
Friday, February 17, 2012
At LSI Alhambra and LSI Orange County they played the amazing Dating Game. Our PC in OC, Ty, and our teacher in Alhambra, Erber, did a great job as MCs of the “show” making students laugh and have a great time!!! The couples won movie tickets for their first date!!! At each school students also enjoyed delicious pizzas, candies, heart-shaped cookies, etc.
At LSI Torrance students pinned the Heart on The Teacher! The students were really excited about this game and they all wanted to participate. The winner s also got movie tickets! And all students enjoyed corndogs, cupcakes, cheesecakes, fruits, heart-shape cookies, sodas, etc.
It was so much fun! Thank you everybody for making Valentine’s Day so special for us!!! J
Monday, February 13, 2012
Whale Watching with Torrance and Alhambra
The excitement started almost as soon as we left the dock. The boat’s captain told us he could see whales just outside of the harbor. But first, we stayed in the harbor while dolphins sw
As we continued to sail on the ocean, the captain pointed out different types of sea birds and animals that were flying over or floating on the ocean’s surface. Did you know that sea lions will float on their side and stick one flipper into the air to absorb the Sun’s heat and warm their bodies when they are cold? If they get too hot, they wait until the air above the ocean is cool and stick their flipper up again, this time to cool themselves down. We saw several sea lions doing this.
Suddenly, the captain had us look into the distance off the left side of the boat – two gray whales were out there swimming. By law, commercial boats (like the one we were on) have to stay at least 300 yards (274 meters) awa
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
New Year’s Resolutions
New Year's Eve has always been a time for looking back to the past, and more importantly, forward to the coming year. It's a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.
Here are the ten most common New Year’s Resolutions in the United States. Do you have some similar promises?
1. Start Exercising
2. Quit Smoking
3. Learn Something New
4. Eat Healthier and Diet
5. Get out of Debt and Save Money
6. Spend More time with Family
7. Travel
8. Be Less Stressed
9. Volunteer
10. Drink Less
We asked some teachers, staff members, and afternoon students about their own New Year’s Resolutions. Here’s what they said:
In 2012 I will:
Tina: stay healthy and always have a positive attitude
Emily: be a good new mom
Bhumika: travel more, learn to cook new things, & go to karaoke more often
Monica: travel more, lead a healthier lifestyle, & learn a new language
John: go to bed early, improve my English, & make more money
Sylvia: wake up early every day & be a better cook
Bruno: try to be more organized & make plans for the future
Joel: improve my English
Yoshi: get buff Betsy: do more yoga
Davi: be more friendly and open-minded
What is yours?