When we got to the beach about 1:30, we set up our volleyball net and the wood we were going to use for our bonfire that night. About 3pm the clouds went away. Soon the sky was blue and the sun was shining. The weather turned out perfect!
We ended up playing volleyball, soccer, frisbee, and other games. It was so much fun!
At night, we had a really cool bonfire. As we sat around the fire, one of our students named Mona played guitar and led us in singing some songs. As we were singing "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz, a group of American high school students came over and joined us. It was such a great time! They were actually a high school choir from Kentucky that was here for a week performing concerts at Disneyland. They sang really well! Their fire pit was right next to ours, and soon they were inviting us over to their fire pit to roast hotdogs and to make smores with them. Our LSI students had a great time practicing English and getting to meet American students. It was such a great beach trip! Here are some comments that students put on Facebook:
"Thanks for planning a great beach trip!! We can't wait for the next one!!"
"It was a wonderful experience... unforgettable memory!"

For more information about activities at all LSI locations, please visit http://www.languagesystems.com/